Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件
Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件
Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件
Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件

Phix Doctor聚酯树脂丁修复套件


The Ding Repair Scriptures

The Complete Guide To Surfboard Repair

Ding repair, it's just one of those things in life that no surfer can elude. Whether your surfboard was savagely run down by a maniac, pitched into a cliff at high tide, or simply dropped in the street by a clumsy friend, there's just no escape. In face, the ugly truth is that you are likely to see hundreds of them in your lifetime: smashes, bashes, and various thrashes. It's the price you must pay if you are going to ride the waves.

But alas, fear not, dings need never keep you awake nights again. For here at last come "The Ding Repair Scriptures". From the dusty corners of a barn in an apple orchard come the answers for all. While ding repair may be inevitable, it need not be a mystery.