9' TEC Don

9' TEC Don


TEC - The Don

Modern longboarding has a variety of skill and style that is hard to compare in any other sport. Depending on the surfer, or the wave, or the board, it can be a dance or a martial art. It can be light footed poise or powerful drive, straight line trim or vertical snaps, nose rides or carves. A true modern high performance longboard has to be capable of all of these things.

The Don range has 3 models which fill all of these needs – The Don is stable on the nose, straight and fast through the middle and lively in the tail. The HP model is a finer turned race car, but capable on the nose. The XL is higher volumed and nose oriented but still super responsive in the tail. The added advantage of the Torq TEC construction; lightweight, strong and super responsive makes the wide repertoire of moves easier and more dynamic.


9’0 x 22 1/2” x 2 3/4” 64.7 ltr